Monday, November 19, 2012


Welcome to my photo at a time!  I am excited about sharing my life with you as well as the photos that I take.  I am passionate about photography.  It is great therapy.  It has been said that a picture is worth a 1000 words.  As a teenager, I painted pictures with an adult, I can't find the words to speak, so now my conversations are through photos.  Please join me as I share my life with you, one photo at a time. I am not one for one-sided conversations, so please, let me know what you think about the photos I share.

When I look at this photo, I see my life.  It is interesting, vibrant, but you don't get too close because you might get poked. I have never allowed people to get too close to me for fear of being hurt, being let down or disappointed.  As of today, those barriers are coming down.  I am half way through my life and I don't have friends that I can go hang out with, shop with, go to dinner with.  When I am asked what I do for fun...I look like a deer caught in headlights...I simply do not have an answer.  Fear has brought me to this place and I do not want to be here any longer.  I am praying that God will send me friends that I can be myself with.  Friends that I can get a mani-pedi with, go to dinner with, hang out with, laugh with.  Friends that I can share my interests with.  This is the start of my new outlook on life.  Thank you for joining me on this journey!  I am looking forward to each day, each comment and each new photo!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Connie Walcott

Hi Tammi, I tried to comment on your new blog, but there's some sort of technical glitch that won't allow the comment to be processed.

I just wanted to tell you how much I appreciate your candor, transparency, and willingness to address the depression that can be so debilitating. Your photography is wonderful, and I can't wait to see more of your work!

Writing about my mental health experiences has been one of my most healing medicines, and has helped me refine and define my relationship with God. I will be continually praying for your complete recovery.

I'm not close enough for a mani-pedi date, but I am as close as your FB page! I'm so proud of you for taking this step toward wholeness, Tammi. I am standing; cheering; applauding your strength!